Governor John Rankin chaired Cabinet meetings on March 17 and 24 at the Financial Services Commission’s Conference Room. All members were present at both meetings. On March 17, the Cabinet took the following actions, according to a summary provided by the Cabinet Office.
1. Reviewed and accepted the Eleventh Annual Report and Financial Report for 2019 of the Office of the Complaints Commission and decided that both reports be tabled at the next convenient Sitting of the House of Assembly.
2. Noted the update provided by BVI Ports Authority regarding the operations at the Road Town jetty and Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park in preparation for the reopening of the seaports on April 15.
3. Decided that exceptional approval be granted to waive the tender process to award a new contract to Wendell Gaskin for consultancy services in the amount $108,000 for 12 months to provide support to the Ministry of Finance; to assist government with its constitutional obligation to have current annual audited financial statements; to provide a comprehensive analysis of government’s expenditure; and to make recommendations on how to bring greater efficiency in the day-to-day operations.
4. Reviewed the evaluation report submitted by the Central Tenders Board sub-committee, which was approved by the CTB and:
a. accepted the result of the pre-qualification process and invited the named firms to be shortlisted based on the expression of interest criteria:
i. Rocky Mountain Institute
ii. Wood Environment & Infrastructure
iii. DNV GL
iv. WSP
b. decided that the government provide full terms of reference and invite the companies to submit technical and financial proposals to undertake the assignment for consultancy services for the development of an energy transition plan for the territory.
5. Noted the variation amount in the sum of $207,650.45 to the contract with BDO Ltd. for portal changes to accommodate economic substance requirements.
6. Agreed to the review of the Labour Code, 2010 for its modernisation and bringing it more in line with the current BVI Labour Market and industry standards and:
a. decided that the government engage Michele Tiraboschi, as consultant, to work on a collaborative basis with the Attorney General’s Chambers to undertake the review of the Labour Code, 2010, effective March 24 and to provide the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration with the following deliverables:
i. a draft revised and simplified Labour Code for the territory;
ii. draft Labour Regulations for the construction and marine industries; and
iii. a National Organisation Health and Safety regulation according to the International Labour Organisation standards.
b. noted the payment of $24,000 for the works to be provided on the Labour Code review; and
c. decided that Part X (Work Permits) of the Labour Code, 2010 shall not apply to consultants engaged by the government and statutory bodies established by it for the duration of their engagement in the VI.
7. Approved the appointment of Shaunice Leonard as a member of the Parole Board for a period of three years in accordance with Section 4 (3) of the Parole Act, 2009, with effect from April 1 to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Trefor Grant.
8. Approved:
a. the re-appointment of the following members of the Parole Board for a period of three years in accordance with Section 4(4) of the Parole Act, 2009, with effect from:
i. April 1: Kya Huggins; Dr. Thomas Alexander and Paul Ricketts;
ii. Feb. 1: Ishmael Scatliffe, Rosemarie Flax and Fiona Forbes; and
b. the recommendation for Ishmael Scatliffe to continue to serve as chairman of the Parole Board by appointment of the governor in accordance to Section 4 (2) of the Parole Act, 2009.
9. Appointed :
a. Faye J. Reese-Charles, Ashford K. Harrigan, Albert Stevens and Stephanie I. Faulkner-Williams to constitute the panel of assessors for the Youth Court in Virgin Gorda in accordance with Section 2(1) (d) of the Youth Courts Act, 2005 with effect from Jan. 1 for a period of three years;
b. Camique Osborne and Courtney Jones to constitute the panel of assessors for the Youth Court in Tortola in accordance with Section 2(1) of the Youth Courts Act, 2005 with effect from Jan. 1 for a period of three years and one year, respectively.
10. Approved “a number of ” non-belonger land holding licence applications.
March 24 meeting
During the March 24 meeting, the Cabinet took the following actions, according to the summary provided by the Cabinet Office.
1. Approved the General Statistical Data Policy by the Central Statistics Office and decided that a legal review of the Statistics Act be undertaken with a view to draft the required regulations and enact provisions that require mandatory compliance on the part of data providers.
2. Noted the update provided by BVI Ports Authority regarding the operations at the Road Town jetty and Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park in preparation for the reopening of the seaports on April 15.
3. Decided that the government enter into a lease agreement with Linton Wheatley and Pauletta Wheatley for the rental of accommodation at Major Bay, East End, to facilitate the relocation of the East End/Long Look Community Library.
4. Approved “a number of ” non-belonger land holding licence applications.
This information was published by the Cabinet Office on March 25 and last Thursday.