Governor John Rankin chaired Cabinet meetings on March 23 at the Financial Services Commission’s Resources Centre and on March 30 at the Premier’s Conference Room. All members were present at both sessions, and they took the following actions, according to a summary published on April 7 in the Gazette.
March 23
1. Decided that the government enter into a new lease agreement with Union Property Company Limited for a period of two years in the first instance, and that the Office of the Deputy Governor instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to vet the leases prepared by the landlord.
2. Decided: a. that the draft resolution requesting the following be introduced, by way of a motion, for approval at the next convenient sitting of the House of Assembly: i. Recurrent expenditure of $4,636,800 to be expended in excess of the appropriated amount from the Consolidated Fund; ii. Capital acquisition expenditure of $49,900 to be expended in excess of the appropriated amount; and iii. Capital expenditure of $732,000 to be expended in excess of the appropriated amount from the Development Fund; b. that the financial secretary instruct the attorney general to vet and approve the draft resolution.
3. Examined the Schedule of Reallocation Warrants approved for the year 2021; and decided that the report be laid on the table of the House of Assembly at the next convenient sitting, in accordance with the requirements of Section 24 of the Public Finance Management Act, No. 2 of 2004, as amended.
4. Decided: a. that the draft resolution requesting the following be introduced, by way of a motion, for approval at the next convenient sitting of the HOA: i. Recurrent expenditure of $11,564,500 to be charged against the Consolidated Fund; ii. Capital Acquisition Expenditure of $746,000 (which includes the sum of $586,000 from the Reserve Fund and the sum of $160,000) to be charged against the Development Fund by way of funds transferred from the Consolidated Fund; and iii. Capital expenditure of $20,525,500 (which includes the sum of $5,047,600 from the Reserve Fund and $850,000 from the Transportation Network Improvement Fund) to be charged against the Development Fund; b. that the financial secretary instruct the attorney general to vet and approve the draft resolution.
5. Reviewed and accepted the evaluation report submitted by the Central Tenders Board evaluation sub-committee, which was approved by the CTB; accepted the CTB’s recommendation to award 5W PR the contract for the National Tourism Plan in the amount of $1,971,556 to be paid in three equal installments of $657,185 for a duration of three years; and decided that the Premier’s Office instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to vet the relevant agreement.
6. Noted the update on the status of public procurement reform in the territory.
7. Noted the amendment made to the Education (Amendment) Act, 2014, Division 3, Section 10, Subsection (2) to include all categories in Subsection 2(b) by the Attorney General’s Chambers; considered and approved the bill titled Education (Amendment) Act, 2022; and decided that the bill be introduced for its first reading in the HOA at the next convenient sitting.
8. Endorsed: a. the re-appointment by the governor, acting on the advice of the minister, of the following members of the Scholarship Trust Fund Board in accordance with Section 5 (2) of the Scholarship Trust Fund Act (Cap. 118) for a period of three years, effective from Dec. 1, 2021: Chairman Deon Vanterpool; Everett Fraser; John Lewis; the manager of the National Bank of the VI or designate; the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Education and Culture or designate; b. the appointment by the governor, acting on the advice of the minister, of the following members of the Scholarship Trust Fund Board in accordance with Section 5 (1) of the Scholarship Trust Fund Act (Cap. 118) for a period of three years, effective from Dec. 1, 2021: Judy-Ann Smith; Morsha Frett; Kay-Ann Maduro-Dunkley; and Alyssa Tishan Solomon.
9. Approved four non-belonger land holding licence applications and one application for permission to lease the seabed for reclamation projects.
March 30
1. Reviewed and considered the 2020 Governor’s Office’s Annual Report and decided that it be laid on the table at the next convenient sitting of the HOA.
2. Reviewed and accepted the 2020 Department of Information Technology’s Annual Report and decided that it be tabled at the next convenient sitting of the HOA.
3. Approved the Revised Virgin Islands Scholarship Programme Policy, which seeks to bring provisions in line with current best practices; and decided that the policy be laid on the table in the HOA at the next convenient sitting.
4. Noted that the minister of transportation, works and utilities has approved a commemorative motor vehicle registration plate to be used on motor vehicles for personal use to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Lions Club of Tortola in April 2022 pursuant to regulation 6A(5) of the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicle Registration and Operation and Driver and Vehicle Licensing) Regulations; and decided that: a. a maximum of 100 pairs of plates of the plates be issued pursuant to regulation 6A(6) of the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicle Registration and Operation and Driver and Vehicle Licensing) Regulations; b. the Department of Motor Vehicles is to sell the plates for $150 per pair, as proposed by the Lions Club of Tortola and subject to the approval of the imposition of the fee by order of the Cabinet pursuant to section 3 of the Statutory Rates, Fees and Charges Act, 2005, part 39- Road Traffic Fees; c. the Ministry of Transportation, Works and Utilities pays a maximum of $10,000, at a rate of $150 per pair of plates, to the Lions Club of Tortola from the revenue generated by the sale of the plates, with the difference of $5,000, at a rate of $50 per pair of plates (25 percent) of the total sales, to be retained by the DMV towards the administrative costs of procuring the stock of plates; d. the Ministry of Transportation, Works and Utilities instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to draft the necessary legislation, including the Statutory Rates, and Charges Act, 2005 to provide for the sale price of the plates.
5. Decided: a. that approximately 45 acres be designated for agricultural purposes on Anegada; b. that the land be legally vetted to ensure that same could be so designated, considering the legal impediments relating to current land ownership and use, if any; and c. that the legal process to erect any signage outlining the extent of the designation be posted on site, only after the correct legal approvals/requirements in law have been satisfied.
6. Approved six non-belonger land holding licence applications and an application for permission to use the seabed for the installation of a jetty at Anguilla Point, Virgin Gorda by Anguilla Point, LLC.