Governor John Rankin chaired Cabinet meetings on Oct. 13, Oct. 26 and Nov. 4 at the Financial Services Commission’s Resource Centre in Pasea. All members were present except Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Minister Sharie de Castro, who was on medical leave on Oct. 13, and Natural Resources and Labour Minister Mitch Turnbull, who was overseas on duty travel on Nov. 4. Members took the following actions, according to a summary published in the Gazette last Thursday.
Oct. 13
1. Approved:
a. the establishment of an ad hoc committee to assist the Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Committee in its functions in accordance with Schedule 3(2) of the Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Act, 2020; and
b. the following committee membership: director of public prosecutions or senior designate as chairperson; the attorney general or senior designate; the police commissioner or senior designate; the director of the Financial Investigation Agency or senior designate; the customs commissioner or senior designate. Additionally, the Ministry of Finance is to provide administrative support.
Oct. 26
1. Approved:
a. the appointment of the following people to the Planning Authority in accordance with Schedule I, Section (3) of the Physical Planning Act, 2004 to take effect from Nov. 1, 2022: Chairman Richard de Castro for a period of three years; Deputy Chairwoman Anya Frett for a period of three years; Verne Wheatley for a period of three years; Chad Skelton for a period of two years; Clyde Hodge for a period two years; Shane Winter (a nominee from the opposition leader) for a period of two years; the chief planner as an ex-officio member; the director of public works as an ex-officio member; the director of disaster management as an ex-officio member; and the director of agriculture and fisheries as an exofficio member; and noted that the chairman will be paid $500 per month and members $300 per month.
2. Approved the establishment of the Registration Apprenticeship Training Employment and Development (RATED) Programme, which will be administered by the Premier’s Office; and decided:
a. that the funding for the programme will be allocated in the budgetary process under the relevant accounting heads;
b. that the Premier’s Office will provide semi-annual reports to Cabinet on the activities of the programme; and
c. that the RATED programme will be subject to the normal auditing procedures by the Office of the Director of Internal Audit and the Auditor General’s Office.
3. Accepted the International Tax Authority’s 2021 annual report and decided that it be laid on the table in the House of Assembly at the next convenient sitting.
4. Approved the finalisation of the Virgin Islands Deposit Insurance Regulations, 2021; decided that the Ministry of Finance instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to finalise the regulations; and decided that the finalised regulations be published in the Gazette and thereafter laid on the table in the HOA.
5. Accepted the Financial Services Commission’s 2021 Annual Report, 2023 Strategic Work Plan, and 2023 Revenue and Expenditure Budget; approved the 2023 Budget and Work Plan pursuant to section 24 of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001 at the proposed 13.5 percent retention for one year; and decided that the reports be laid on the table of the HOA at the next convenient sitting.
6. Decided, in principle, that the Stamp, 20th Anniversary of the BVI London Office at BVI House Order, 2022 be issued in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of the Stamps Act (CAP 212); and
a. noted that approval of the design will be sought from Buckingham Palace via the Royal Household Section in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office following Cabinet’s approval;
b. decided that the Ministry of Finance instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to vet and finalise the draft order relative to the 20th Anniversary of the BVI London Office at BVI House stamp; decided that the finalised order be published in the Gazette and thereafter be laid in the HOA at its earliest convenience; and
c. noted that funding for the production and shipping of the requested 10,000 stamps is $4,620.92.
7. Accepted the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College’s 2020/2021 annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ending July 31, 2021; and decided that both documents be tabled at the next convenient sitting of the HOA.
8. Approved eight non-belonger land holding licence applications.
Nov. 4
1. Noted the contents of the Virgin Islands Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment; considered that report to identify resources required for the implementation of the national recommendations in it; and decided that:
a. the report be laid on the table at the next convenient sitting of the HOA;
b. the report be circulated to all competent authorities and law enforcement agencies by the Implementation Unit;
c. the Implementation Unit update the National Strategic Action Plan to include the actions required to implement the national recommendations outlined in the report and provide the updated action plan to the National Anti-money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Coordinating Council within two months.
2. Approved the NAMLCC’s 2021 Annual Report, which seeks to ensure compliance with the “rules of procedure document;” and
a. decided that the report be laid on the table of the HOA at the next convenient sitting, and thereafter be published on the government’s website.
3. Noted and approved the 2020/2021 Virgin Islands Education Statistical Digest for publication; and decided that it be laid on the table at the next convenient sitting of the HOA.
4. Approved one application for a charge on an existing Crown land lease for commercial purposes.