Living on a hill at Pockwood Pond since the September hurricanes has been very trying but sometimes a good experience. During the weeks after Hurricane Irma, which destroyed my van, it was difficult getting back and forth into town, so it was necessary to catch a ride daily. During this time, it was interesting to note the people who would stop to pick me up, who would blow their horns (at or to me), and who would pass me by. I rode in in cars, SUVs, the front and the tray of pickups, in three-yard trucks, in vans and in safaris. I was picked up by friends, acquaintances, expat police officers who were here assisting, people who knew me, total strangers and many expats — both living here and visiting. In the early weeks, my 14-year-old daughter, Frances, was with me. To all those people, I was very grateful and now I extend my sincere thanks. Of course, many days I did get to town with family with whom I am staying. I am still catching rides, so feel free to continue to offer your service.


Long walk

After walking this road in sections over the past months (and I still do) I decided to walk the entire road one day in December. So after having a hearty breakfast of pancakes and bacon and a cup of horsetail tea, I walked down the hill, where I got a ride with the son of a friend (who is no longer with us) and I went into town and attended a service at the St. George’s Episcopal Church. I left the church at 10:18 a.m. and stopped by Pusser’s to get a signal on my phone to send a text. Then I went by my property and spoke to my tenant for a while and started my walk back home.

As I arrived in the vicinity of the Queen Elizabeth II Park, a young lady stopped to offer me a ride. I politely explained that I was walking to Pockwood Pond. Continuing my journey home, I was again offered a ride in the Fort Burt area; then again at the foot of Slaney Hill. This time it was a family member. As my walk continued, I stopped by VI Motors in Duffs Bottom to read a text, after which two people offered me rides in less than three minutes, and again I took time to explain I just wanted to walk home.


Finding a friend

As I was leaving Duffs Bottom and arriving in the vicinity of the horse track in Sea Cows Bay. a gentleman called out to me, so I stood up and waited for him. After he got to me, we stood and chatted for a while, after which we started walking and talking. During the conversation, he told me his name was Samuel and he was 64 years old. So here was an 82-year-old and a 64-year-old enjoying a casual walk in the nice hot sun. During our conversation, he decided he would walk as far as Hannahs as he was going to the superette there. Shortly after we passed the entrance to the hill known as The Elevator, another family member who lives in the same house stopped for me and again I told her I was walking home. A few minutes later, another gentleman stopped to offer me a ride, which I again declined. Shortly after we arrived at Samuel’s destination, he and I stood and chatted for a few minutes, and then I continued my walk.

After a few minutes more, I arrived at Billy Winter store, but before I entered there was a friend sitting in her car who offered to take me home. I told her I was walking and that I was going to look for Billy as I had not seen him since the hurricanes. After chatting with Billy for some time, I left and walked the rest of the way and then up the hill. After getting in the house, I looked at my phone and it was 1:08 p.m.

Again, thanks to all of you who continue to give me rides, and I hope that more of you will walk. Walking is good for the body and soul. You can get closer to your destination walking in ten minutes that you can standing for half an hour.