Government officials explain plans to repair the “Horsepath dip” during a community meeting with Communications and Works Minister Kye Rymer and Public Works Department Director Jeremy Hodge and Deputy Director Kurt Hodge. (Photo: GIS)

A major dip in the road at Horsepath has long caused problems for area residents and motorists passing through, but it will soon be redesigned and repaired, according to Communications and Works Minister Kye Rymer.

Mr. Rymer recently met with residents and provided an update on upcoming works planned for the area.

“We have Mr. Percival here, who is mostly affected in terms of his property,” Mr. Rymer said.

Motorists, he added, have also experienced difficulties with the way the dip is currently designed.

“Noting this issue, the Public Works Department went out and did a design for this area, and today we are here to present what we are intending to do to correct this dip,” he said.

The minister also explained upcoming changes to the traffic flow that will be implemented once the works get under way.

PWD Deputy Director Kurt Hodge gave a brief presentation of the plans for the reconstruction of the dip and addressed concerns from attendees.

To view the full video of the community meeting, go to the “Government of the Virgin Islands” Facebook page.