After the Magistrates’ Court closed indefinitely on June 30 following a staff member testing positive for Covid-19, its Sakal Place offices reopened on July 12 with limited hours, but the courthouse will remain closed at least until mid-August and all hearings will be held remotely, a court official told the Beacon on Tuesday.
“Considering the circumstances with the rising and spiking of numbers, … we are currently closed until the middle of next month,” said the official, who asked not to be identified.
According to a July 10 press release from the Deputy Governor’s Office, “Effort will be made to inform all persons concerned of the rescheduling of their matters.
Persons may also contact the office at 468-4360 or 468-9510 for further information concerning the date and time of their matters.”
Residents can also visit the court offices at Sakal Place between 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Monday through Friday for “administrative services,” according to the press release.
High Court
After restricting its hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from June 30 until July 8, the High Court Registry, also at Sakal Place, is now open to 3 p.m., a DGO official said on Tuesday.
However, the official said she did not know if High Court hearings were being held virtually or in person, and the Beacon didn’t receive a response to emailed questions.
Attempts to reach the High Court registrar were unsuccessful on Tuesday.