I do not know what prompt

Urged the action:

Intentional intent,

Selfish ambition,

Or innocent enthusiasm?

I do not know.


Was overstep

Of rules and allegiance


Or over-confidence?

I do not know.


This much I know:

I am my brother’s keeper

And my sister’s too!


I see impulsive Peter

Chided by the Master

Oh, so often!

I hear hosannas in one ear;

The next cry: crucify!

I do not know.


I know nothing but the WORD!



Were three betrayals

Motives for preservation

Of self, of cause,

Or illusion and frustration

With slow majestic Kingdom?

I do not know.


But in depression’s hole

Of isolation

I feel a feeling!

’Tis the Master’s healing:

Forgiving, redeeming, reinstating

The impulsive one.


One, two, three times:

“Do you love me more than these?”

“Feed my lambs!

Tend my sheep!”

I do not know why

I do not know.


’Tis mystery to me

That rashness was the Rock

On which God’s Church is built

And it is writ:

You shall not rock it.


Three plus three plus one.

’Tis God’s question:

“Do you love me

Above yourself?”

“Feed my sheep.”