Paw prints in the sand
On Monday, a Beaconite said farewell to the puppy she’s been fostering for well over a month. Jaime was one of the lucky pups to fly out to one of PAW BVI’s partner shelters in the United States, where she is sure to be quickly adopted by a loving family. The pair celebrated over the weekend with a full day at the beach, plenty of playtime, and her first “puppy patty,” which is simply an unseasoned hamburger patty. The reporter has fostered plenty in the past, but saying goodbye is hard after raising a puppy for so long and seeing them grow. When Jaime first unexpectedly fell in the Beaconite’s lap shortly after Tropical Storm Philippe, she was emaciated, had a belly full of worms, was missing patches of fur from a mild skin infection, and slept all day from being alone on the streets for who knows how long. At an estimated eight weeks old, the pup was around the same size as the Beaconite’s shoe. Now, Jaime has grown into a healthy, energetic puppy with a wonderfully shiny chocolate-coloured coat. She still has big paws to grow into, but now she’ll be able to do that in the loving arms of her forever family. Fostering was a growing experience for the reporter, too: She is far from an early bird but learned to cope with the daybreak walks. The Beaconite wishes Jaime a wonderful life and thanks the people with PAW and Canines, Cats and Critters who helped the puppy get such excellent care.
Saving the whales
The Dominica government announced Monday that it will reserve 800 square kilometres of waters as a protected area for endangered sperm whales. In the protected zones, the government has prohibited commercial fishing and large vessels while allowing sustainable small-scale fishing. A Beaconite commends the country’s efforts to protect the whales, which are the largest toothed mammals on earth. They are particularly attracted to Dominica because its waters provide safe feeding and nursing grounds. The reporter remembers the slew of pilot whales that wound up dead on the shores of Anegada last year. While there are still no answers about what caused the whales to beach, the Beaconite urges the government to work with scientists and other researchers to protect endangered marine animals. For decades, the National Parks Trust and other agencies have worked together to protect endangered species on land, but those at sea don’t always get the same consideration.
Buyer’s remorse conquered
There is a consumer phenomenon in the Virgin Islands that a Beaconite has found brings him joy. Because of the territory’s watery borders, residents often, of course, pay a premium for any product not native to the region. However, he has noted that the quality of the imported products usually does not suffer — only the selection. A study published before the Beaconite was born found that more choices leave consumers feeling unsatisfied despite the abundance of options. He remembered this “Paradox of Choice” when shopping for a fishing rod in Road Town recently. Sporting goods stores in larger countries typically offer many options for either spinning or bait-casting style reels. At the Road Town store he visited, there was one of each. Since he already owns a bait-caster, the choice was made for him by the selection (or lack thereof). There was no buyer’s remorse, as there was literally only one fishing rod for him to buy — and a fairly decent one at that. When your mind is made up for you, buyer’s remorse is more-or-less impossible. All there is to do is pay the nice lady and take your wares. Anyway, the product itself is never the reason for post-purchase happiness. Far more important are the memories you make with what you have — or don’t have, as the case may be.