Getting off to an early start

There was a lot of crying during Pelican Gate’s annual sports day at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds last Friday.

BVICF to host junior event

The BVI Cycling Federation will host the Beef Island Criterium for juniors only on Saturday.

Interline Regatta starts season

The 39th annual Interline Regatta wrapped up on Tuesday at The Moorings after representatives from various airlines raced around the Virgin Islands during the five-day event.

Football league kicks off with 9 teams

The BVI National Football League continued last weekend with several matches at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds.


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Mitchell, Anslem win tennis tourney

The NAGICO Tennis Tournament finished on Tuesday evening at the Tortola Sports Club, despite several rain delays throughout weeklong  event.


HIHO event starts on Monday

The 26th annual  Highland Spring HIHO windsurfing event will start on Monday