Over the course of two lengthy meetings, the House of Assembly determined that Jeanette Scatliffe-Boynes would continue to act as the director of the Social Security Board for a six-month appointment rather than in a more permanent role as moved by opposition member Julian Fraser.
Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Minister Vincent Wheatley brought the original resolution to the House on Aug. 26, along with a resolution to appoint Lorie Freeman as acting deputy director for the same time period.
However, Mr. Fraser objected to the limited six-month appointment for Ms. Scatliffe-Boynes given her 30 years of experience with the SSB, and he proposed an amendment to instead confirm her in the director position.
Days of debate ensued, with several HOA members accusing one another of political grandstanding and not treating women leaders fairly.
Last Thursday, the vote was split on Mr. Fraser’s amendment to the resolution.
While Opposition Leader Marlon Penn and his opposition colleague Mitch Turnbull voted in support of Mr. Fraser’s amendment, all other voting members said no and the motion failed.
Three members were absent: Junior Minister for Trade Shereen Flax-Charles; Transportation, Works and Utilities Minister Kye Rymer; and opposition member Mark Vanterpool.
Turning to the substantive motion to appoint Ms. Scatliffe-Boynes to act for a six-month period ending Dec. 31, members debated for several more hours before ultimately voting in favour. Mr. Fraser abstained, but no one voted against the resolution.
Members also voted in favour of appointing Ms. Freeman as acting deputy with no objections.