Britain is seeking a “reset” of relations with the Virgin Islands and other overseas territories, Premier Natalio “Sowande” Wheatley said following discussions in London between United Kingdom ministers and OT …
UK and Overseas Territories agree to up collaboration
In line with discussions about the evolving relationship between the United Kingdom and its overseas territories in recent years, officials have put in writing their commitment to promoting a “modern, …
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UK promises new overseas territory strategy
The United Kingdom government is developing a new overseas territories strategy, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly told Premier Dr. Natalio “Sowande” Wheatley and other OT leaders during the Joint Ministerial …
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Premier pushes for OT cooperation
Premier Dr. Natalio “Sowande” Wheatley recently thanked fellow leaders of British overseas territories for their support in the aftermath of the Commission of Inquiry report, and he offered to help …
Self-determination discussed at UK meetings
Fresh off their diplomatic travels to Europe last month, government leaders explained their progress on planning for the future of environmental management, national security, marijuana legalisation, and greater self-determination. During …
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Climate a focus as JMC wound down
At the conclusion of the Joint Ministerial Council meeting in London last week, Prince William made an appearance as world leaders turned their attention to how climate change is impacting …
Premier promotes VI amidst Brexit
This week Premier Dr. Orlando Smith led a delegation to the Joint Ministerial Council meetings in London, where he planned to emphasise the importance of the Virgin Islands within the …
Territories to retain EU benefits through 2020, UK says
United Kingdom officials assured overseas territories delegations last week that their European Union privileges would remain in place throughout the 21-month transition period after Brexit begins on March 29, 2019, …
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