Construction is under way on a new vending zone as part of the Beach Management Project at Long Bay, Beef Island, government announced last week. “Construction activity began with clearing …
$600k ‘vending zone’ coming to Long Bay, Beef Island
A $600,000 “vending zone” and $133,000 worth of environmental restoration are the latest works planned for Long Bay at Beef Island as government continues implementing its beach management plan for …
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EDITORIAL: Long Bay restoration an example for all beaches
We applaud the ongoing restoration efforts at Long Bay on Beef Island, which are part of a well-conceived management plan designed to repair and protect one of the Virgin Islands’ …
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VI surfers to compete in Puerto Rico
After the hasty formation of the territory’s first national surfing organisation, three Virgin Islands surfers are headed to Puerto Rico today for a contest that could give them a shot …
Tourist dies at Long Bay
A swimmer died at Long Bay, Beef Island last week, according to the Police Information Office. Shortly after 9 a.m. on Dec. 6, police responded to a 911 call reporting …
EDITORIAL: Third time the charm for Virgin Islands Day
We were elated by the full schedule of traditional activities organised for the territory’s third celebration of Virgin Islands Day on July 3. The way forward for the observance is …
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Community plans for Long Bay’s future
Long Bay Beach on Beef Island serves a different purpose to every visitor. Some enjoy exercising, cooking out, snorkelling among the corals, swimming, participating in water sports, visiting as tourists, …
Management plan proposed for Long Bay, Beef Island
After Hurricane Irma destroyed many of the Virgin Islands’ tourist hotspots in 2017, vendors erected bar and restaurant stands along Long Bay Beach at Beef Island to serve visitors. But …
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Long Bay, Beef Island to get restrooms
Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Minister Vincent Wheatley gave updates on the finger pier and dock at Red Bay, the planned restroom facility at Long Bay, Beef Island, and unencumbered …