Over the past week, legislators passed four out of five bills designed to improve the governance of statutory bodies as the House of Assembly addressed its final reform recommendation from …
House tackling last COI reform
The House of Assembly began tackling its final Commission of Inquiry reform this week as legislators debated the first of five bills designed to improve the governance of five statutory …
Shipping regulator now a statutory body
The Virgin Islands Shipping Registry is no more. In its place as of last Thursday is a new statutory body called the VI Shipping and Maritime Authority. “We are excited …
WSD changes delayed by staffing shortages
As the Water and Sewerage Department works to transition to a statutory body separate from central government, officials are collaborating closely with the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Department of …
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Ex-health chair questions removal
Last year, the Commission of Inquiry blasted then-Premier Andrew Fahie for overstepping his authority and unlawfully revoking the membership of the Climate Change Trust Fund Board before the end of …
Shipping Registry to become statutory body
As the government works to entice more boat owners to register their vessels in the territory, the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry plans to become a statutory body and establish a …
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