The 2014 budget debate was postponed after what Premier Dr. Orlando Smith called “political grandstanding” on the part of opposition member Julian Fraser in the House of Assembly Monday morning.

Just before the public debate was set to begin, House Speaker Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe gave Mr. Fraser (R-D3) leave to give a “personal explanation.”

Mr. Fraser’s explanation of why he and other members of the opposition would not be participating in the budget debate quickly turned into a criticism of government’s handling of the budgeting process, at which point Ms. Moses-Scatliffe cut Mr. Fraser off.

“Any references or mention of the budget could take us to the debate, and we haven’t reached that point in the sitting,” Ms. Moses-Scatliffe said.

Mr. Fraser left the House shortly thereafter. Standing on the steps of the House of Assembly, he told reporters that he and opposition members Alvin Christopher (R-D2) and Andrew Fahie (R-D1) had agreed not to attend the public budget debate in protest of how government is handling the territory’s finances.

Dr. Smith later told reporters that he disagreed with Mr. Fraser’s conduct in the House, especially his “fairly rude” manner in addressing Ms. Moses-Scatliffe, whom he had accused of attempting to “silence” him.

Dr. Smith said that Opposition Leader Ralph O’Neal wasn’t in the House today so that he could attend the agricultural exhibition in Anegada, but that he planned to attend and have his say on the budget tomorrow.

The House is adjourned until tomorrow.


See the Feb. 13, 2014 edition for full coverage.
