LIAT surcharge

The regional airline LIAT will cut its former fuel surcharge by half on tickets booked today and into the future due to falling oil prices, the airline announced. The company introduced the extra fee in 2003 amid rising fuel costs, removed it in 2009 when prices fell, and then reintroduced it in 2011 due to price spikes. The airline said it spent an estimated $22 million on fuel that year.


Labour survey

The Central Statistics Office and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States plan to conduct a labour force survey starting on Monday. The survey intends to provide a better gauge of employment and unemployment in the territory as well as measuring the number of residents not considered to be in the labour force, according to Government Information Services. The survey, which is being funded in part by the European Union, is expected to take a month to complete. The CSO plans to send workers to conduct door-to-door surveys at households randomly selected from the 2010 Census. The data will allow policymakers to get a better grasp of trends in the local economy, according to GIS.

LIME billing

Telecommunications provider LIME will not implement a fee for paper billing as earlier planned, the company announced. The company had sought to begin charging for paper receipts to further encourage customers to sign up for e-billing but reversed its decision after hearing from customers who preferred paper invoices. 

