The first in a planned series of road construction projects funded by the territory’s $15.6 million Caribbean Development Bank Loan began Thursday in Jost Van Dyke, according to Government Information Services.

Dr. Drexel Glasgow, the project’s coordinator, said the works will include restoring damaged roadways and installing culverts and walls to improve drainage along JVD’s East Road.

The road sustained severe damage “as a result of continuous flooding, landslides and hurricanes,” according to a GIS press release. It adds that Minister of Communications and Works Mark Vanterpool visited the area in January “to assess the affected areas.”

“I was amazed at the level of damage sustained to the road network on Jost Van Dyke,” he said of the visit, adding, “I saw guard rails suspended in midair and massive parts of the road network undermined.”

The portion of the road where the repairs are underway will be reduced to one lane of traffic for the duration of the construction, the release stated. The work is projected to last three months. Officials are asking motorists to follow temporary signs and other traffic control measures and to exercise “extreme caution” in the work zone.

The loan project is being funded by the CDB to improve the territory’s infrastructure damaged as a result of Tropical Storm Otto in 2010. The MCW is responsible for managing the projects.


See the Oct. 11, 2012 edition for full coverage.
