First responders from Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Services and the BVI Red Cross move simulated casualties during a Girl Guides earthquake simulation last week. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK

Drop, cover and hold. If you haven’t been drilled lately, you might not know that those three words are the recipe for safety during an earthquake.

The Virgin Islands’ 100 or so Girl Guides, who range in age from the 5-year-old Rainbows to the teen Rangers, know the routine by heart. At the sound of a signal last Thursday afternoon, they scrambled under desks and tables at their Station Avenue headquarters.

It was just a drill, but the girls stayed solemnly quiet while they waited for a signal from their troop leaders that the “earthquake” was over.

After they heard the all-clear, the girls appeared to know exactly what to do: Most of them headed to their designated safety areas, but some of the older Guides, who have received Community Emergency Response Team training, helped organise the others and call for help.

See the Feb. 27, 2014 edition for full coverage.

