Premier Dr. Orlando Smith, Deputy Governor Inez Archibald, BVI Airports Authority Managing Director Denniston Fraser, and BVI Insurance Association President Sarah Hatcher all signed memoranda of understanding for handling emergencies in the Virgin Islands Friday morning during a meeting of the National Disaster Management Council. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK

The National Disaster Management Council kicked off its annual meeting Thursday by formalising two new partnerships officials say will help the territory respond better to various kinds of emergencies.


Premier Dr. Orlando Smith, Deputy Governor Inez Archibald, BVI Airports Authority Managing Director Denniston Fraser, and BVI Insurance Association President Sarah Hatcher all signed memoranda of understanding for handling emergencies in the Virgin Islands Friday morning during a meeting of the National Disaster Management Council. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK
The memorandum of understanding signed with the BVI Insurance Association will help the Virgin Islands recover quickly and efficiently from a disaster, said Governor John Duncan, who leads the NDMC.

“One of the most critical aspects of a disaster management programme is that resource mobilisation. As a government, we cannot always provide all the resources needed to manage and operate a disaster management programme,” the governor said. “We must also look at partnerships with stakeholders in the private sector.”

He added that the MOU with the BVIAA will help government gather critical weather data that, historically, the territory has lacked.

In the past, government has signed MOUs with private companies such as the territory’s communications providers, said Philomena Robertson, the information and education manager at the Department of Disaster Management.

See the July 2, 2015 edition for full coverage.
