Phew! A $700,000 loss on the National Parks Trust concerts! What was the point?

I used to belong to the NPT and pay annual subscription and mooring buoy fees, because I believed in what they were trying to do. Not anymore! The NPT and its board have lost all credibility! Do they have that kind of money in their accounts to cover the loss? What will have to be done without in the following years? Is the park going to be refurbished as intended?

Now then, National Democratic Party! Let’s see the accounts for past music festivals and August Emancipation Festivals. Millions down the drain, no doubt? What a gravy train! And nothing gets done about it!

Let’s see how much the Multi-purpose Sports Complex really cost. Let’s see how much the racetrack refurbishment and grandstand cost.

Dangerous road

After the recent trial verdict, it is very disappointing to see that virtually nothing has been done to improve road safety in front of the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. Since the accident, the only change has been the addition of a couple of signposts. Even the road markings have not been kept up, and motorists are confronted with a wide, open, bumpy stretch of almost unmarked tarmac, with no clear directions at all.

At night the lighting is inadequate. The previous minister of communications and works promised that lighting would be improved. Pedestrians wanting to cross the road literally take their life in their hands, as one young lady found out. Two courteous drivers stopped to let her cross, but one idiot knew better, and killed her.

Surely it is not beyond the wit of our road engineers to design some safety features: road markings, a median, a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, a bridge, an underpass, a lay-by for pickups? Even narrowing the road to two lanes with a median might be an improvement. Please do something!

Is it our justice system, or is it the obstinacy of people accused of offences? Two and a half years to bring a court case for a “minor” offence is quite ridiculous. I refer to the driver who reportedly is alleged to have run over a security guard’s foot. There does not appear to have been any permanent, or even serious, injury, so why do we bring such cases to court? The defendant has now pleaded guilty, so why didn’t he do so in the first place? There are enough serious crimes to be dealt with without clogging up the system with such cases.
