A 100-day “strategic operating plan” is in the works to guide the rebuilding process in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, government announced Sunday.

To help establish the plan, a session is being held Sunday and Monday for government officials and other stakeholders.

“The outcome will identify the things to focus on in this first phase of stabilising our territory,” according to a government press release.

The sessions are being facilitated by Peter Richardson of the Paterson Center, a Colorado-based company that specialises in strategic planning.

Included in the discussion is Premier Dr. Orlando Smith; Deputy Premier Dr. Kedrick Pickering; Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool; Education and Culture Minister Myron Walwyn; Junior Minister for Tourism Archibald Christian; Ninth District Representative Dr. Hubert O’Neal; Financial Secretary Glenroy Forbes; government permanent secretaries and other department heads; and tourism and financial services industry leaders that government did not name.
