As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Julien Johnson advises youths on how to start a business on Nov. 18 at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. (Photo: CHRISTINA KISSOON)

When BarnesPR founder Sachkia Barnes hosted her first Global Entrepreneurship Week in 2013, six businesses were featured in the Ideas and Cocktails networking event.

As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Julien Johnson advises youths on how to start a business on Nov. 18 at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. (Photo: CHRISTINA KISSOON)
This year, that number more than tripled to 19.

Ms. Barnes attributed that growth to something that entrepreneurs young and old tend to crave: exposure.

That’s why the public relations specialist got involved in Global Entrepreneurship Week, a worldwide event designed to promote current entrepreneurs and encourage future ones.

Ms. Barnes said she wanted to join a local group that nurtures young people looking to make a mark in the business world. When she couldn’t find any local organisations, she linked up with the Global Entrepreneurship Network to launch the week of activities in this territory.

This year’s GEW featured talks at H. Lavity Stoutt Community College from a variety of VI business owners, who recounted their struggles and triumphs in the private sector.

Ms. Barnes took the stage herself on Nov. 18 to share advice with youths on how to start a business.

See the Nov. 26, 2015 edition for full coverage.

