Traffic signals are being installed at the Wickhams Cay II intersection, near the entrance to the Tortola Sports Club, according to a press release from the Ministry of Communications and Works.

Traffic flow will be impeded through Sept. 2 on the James Walter Francis Drive, and motorists are asked to proceed with caution, according to the release.

In August 2009, traffic lights were activated at the intersection of Admin and Waterfront drives in Road Town and at the Road Town Roundabout.

After severe traffic congestion resulted, the signals at the roundabout were disabled on a temporary basis in September of that year. They were disabled permanently the next month, and later removed.

At the time, Premier Ralph O’Neal suggested lights be installed at the Wickhams Cay II intersection, saying the lights would allow drivers intending to head east from the intersection to do so directly, rather than heading west, then reversing course in the roundabout.