Jacqueline Daley was electedas the new president of the BVI Bar Association on Sept. 15, and she’s already learning just what the position entails.
“I did not realise how much extra work it was going to be,” she admitted, laughing.
The new president said her phone has been ringing with questions for the past two weeks, but she feels ready for the challenges.
“I am absolutely excited,” she added.
Ms. Daley, who has worked as a corporate lawyer at Harneys for 15 years, said she was eager to accept the position because she believes the next few years will be an exciting time for the organisation, which will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2016.
Explaining that the association was founded in part so that Virgin Islands lawyers would have a place to learn from one another, Ms. Daley said she hopes the anniversary will inspire members to fully embrace the group’s core values.
Her personal goal for the upcoming year, she added, is to keep members informed and educated, and to help the association give back to the community.
“We intend very much to give back to the society that we serve,” she said. “There are lots of people that need [our] help.”
To that end, she said, the association is planning to hold free community workshops to teach the public about wills and family law, and it might assist with the BVI Pro Bono Project.
However, she said one of her biggest tasks as president will be to ensure that all members stay updated and informed about the Legal Profession Act, which was passed by the House of Assembly in March 2015 after a decade of delays.
“It’s going to essentially revolutionise how we practise law in the BVI,” she explained.
See the Oct. 1, 2015 edition for full coverage.