None of the dozen motorcycles entered in the BVI Motor Sports Association’s Anthony “Big Red” Classic Aug. 4 ever touched the road on Tortola.

“They went straight from a trailer to the grounds and back,” said Roy Thomas, BMSA’s president. The club hoped to exempt the motorbikes from the territory’s usual rule that only allows engines sized 125 cc or smaller on the roads so they could have a motorcade, but they weren’t able to obtain permission.

Still, the motorcycles were one of the main attractions for the hundreds of residents who attended the event, Mr. Thomas said.

“People like to come out and see something they wouldn’t see on the roads here every day,” he said.

The motorcycles and scooters competing for one of the BMSA’s 70 prizes were something to see indeed. Many were painted with a theme and included a helmet to match, such as the Spiderman-themed scooter with a helmet made to look like the superhero’s red mask.

See the Aug. 16, 2012 edition for full coverage.
