The Development Planning Unit plans to finish its analysis of the 2010 census and release results to the public in January, staff said this week.

“We are out of the field and scanning and editing the responses,” said Michael Malone, a DPU statistician.

Mr. Malone explained that census-takers can’t “code” all the answers from residents in the field. This means that now that all the interviews are completed, staff members have to go through each response sheet, translating responses into codes that can be scanned.

“Coding occupations and things like that can be quite time consuming,” Mr. Malone said.

Census-takers started knocking on Virgin Islands doors in August 2010, and they finished collecting data last year, DPU Director Raymond Phillips told the Beacon in March.

Analysing the data and producing a final census report was expected to take up to two years, Mr. Phillips had said in February 2010.

Co-ordinating with regional experts through CARICOM can mean a delay in analysis, he said at the time.


See the Nov. 8, 2012 edition for full coverage.
