The government is “very uncomfortable” with a recently established Department of Motor Vehicles’ policy that limits work-permit holders’ driver’s licences to the duration of their work permit, Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool said Monday evening, adding that the policy is being reviewed.

During the National Democratic Party’s radio broadcast this week, a caller asked the elected representatives to explain the policy.

“Nobody seems to understand what’s behind it,” the caller told the panel of NDP members. He said the perception among some is that the issue – as one that primarily affects foreign workers who don’t vote – is being put “on the back burner.”

“People are really upset, and it’s really hurting people,” the caller said.

Mr. Vanterpool said he “is just getting a grasp of” the situation, but he has been talking to licensing officials about it.

See the Feb. 9, 2012 edition for full coverage.