Acting Police Commissioner David Morris (left), Chief Inspector Frank Devonish, and acting Deputy Commissioner Roy Stoutt, at the podium, address a small crowd at an East End/Long Look meeting on crime Thursday night. Photo: ERIC VOORHIS

It was just getting dark at the start of a Thursday night meeting hosted by the East End/Long Look Police Community Consultative Group at the Sticket — close to the site where Keri Harrigan was gunned down and killed in March 2011.

“I see some people inside this tent,” Detective Inspector Nigel Niven said to a crowd of about 20. “But there are far more outside, out on your porches, in the street.”

Percy Fahie, head of the East End crime watch group, welcomed guests before introducing acting Police Commissioner David Morris.

“We made an appeal for help on the night we were here in 2011 and we got that help,” Mr. Morris said of Mr. Harrigan’s murder.

He added that the work of both the investigative team and the prosecution led to the conviction of Yan Edwards and Allen Baptiste for Mr. Harrigan’s murder: “But this could not have happened without those within this community that decided not to let another murder go without justice being served, and we are grateful for that.”

See the April 25, 2013 edition for full coverage.
