100-days speech welcome, but some questions remain

Premier Dr. Orlando Smith’s address on his first 100 days in office

was a good way to keep the public apprised of his government’s progress, and we trust that he and his ministers soon will provide substantive updates on the handful of major issues that he left out.

The speech, which called to mind other world leaders’ 100-day updates, was fairly extensive and detailed, and it included important information from each ministry. To name a few examples, Dr. Smith said the new hospital is to be completed in 18 months; a new seniors’ home is to be built at Spooners Estate; environmental legislation is in the works; and steps are being taken for disabled residents.

Coming on the heels of public meetings hosted by some of the new ministers, the speech was in keeping with the government’s earlier promises to stay in close touch with the public.

That Dr. Smith avoided a few important issues is perhaps understandable: They involve major projects that could easily take more than 100 days to properly review. Nonetheless we hope to hear more as soon as possible.

For example, what is the government doing about the Biwater contract? Before taking office, Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool spoke out strongly against the contract, but now work appears to be ongoing in Paraquita Bay. Has a decision been made?

The greenhouses are another question mark. Deputy Premier Dr. Kedrick Pickering, the minister of natural resources and labour, has suggested that he supports the project, but there has been no definitive announcement on its status. This issue is particularly salient in South Sound, where a fisheries protected area could be affected if the greenhouses proceed.

An update is also due soon on a new high school. When Dr. Smith’s National Democratic Party was previously in office from 2003 to 2007, it announced its intention to build the facility in Paraquita Bay. Then, after the Virgin Islands Party took over in 2007, the new government decided to alter the Paraquita Bay plans and use them to construct a new school at the site of the existing Elmore Stoutt High School. What are the NDP’s plans now?

As soon as possible, we also would like to hear a substantive update on the territory’s negotiations with the United Kingdom on the borrowing guidelines.

Government should get in the habit of providing frequent status updates on such major issues. And, as a follow-up to the 100-days speech, the premier and his ministers should hold a press conference, opening the floor for the media to ask these and other questions the public wants to know.

