A motion for a vote of no confidence sparked a brief walk-out by Premier Dr. Orlando Smith and other National Democratic Party representatives in the House of Assembly on Friday, causing Speaker of the House Ingrid Moses Scatliffe to temporarily halt the day’s sitting.

After rising to make his motion, Julian Fraser (R-D3), spoke about the reasons for initiating it, then began reading from a prepared statement, touching on what he described as today’s tough economic climate, health care, education, youth activities, sewerage and a wide variety other topics.

More than 20 minutes into his remarks, Ms. Moses-Scatliffe recessed the House after Dr. Smith and the other government representatives left the chambers. Without a quorum of seven or more members, House activities cannot proceed.

When the sitting resumed some 30 minutes later, the speaker asked Mr. Fraser to stick to the subject of his motion, and reminded him that referencing notes or reading quotes is allowed, but reading a speech is not.

“It’s a very thin line,” Ms. Moses-Scatliffe said, adding, “To stand and read wholeheartedly from any speech in the House of Assembly, that is not accepted.”

Late Friday afternoon, legislators were still discussing the motion, which eventually was seconded by opposition member Andrew Fahie (R-D1).

On Thursday, ministers gave updates on a variety of topics, such as the price of hospital equipment, the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport, the greenhouse project, and the Technical and Vocational Institute.


See full HOA coverage in the Aug. 1, 2013 edition.
