A VG Masters player kicks the ball over an Old Madrid Player during the second match of the tournament at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds. Photo: TODD VANSICKLE

The Old Madrid Masters Football Club beat the Combined Stars 3-0 to win last weekend’s first annual Invitational Masters Football Championship at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Grounds.


The two-day tournament featured three teams from the Virgin Islands and the Retroactive Masters from St. Croix.

Humphry Leue — tournament organiser, player and president of the Old Madrid Masters — described the tournament as “competitive” with the teams being “evenly matched.”

“Masters football is really starting to catch on,” Mr. Leue said. “The masters players have been around the block a few times and don’t want to be forgotten. We still have some skill, the strength and speed.”

See the Oct. 25, 2012 edition for full coverage.

