The multimillion-dollar proposal to add 2,500 feet to the runway at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport has been delayed, but geotechnical studies needed to pick a lead contractor for the project should begin in January, Deputy Premier Dr. Kedrick Pickering said Monday.

Dr. Pickering, whose Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour is overseeing the project, told House of Assembly members that though he previously pledged that the tender process would be complete by November so that construction works could begin by March, a “combination of reasons” has led to delays.

“We’re at a point, Madam Speaker, where the bidding process is not complete because we have not completed the geotechnical studies,” he said, adding that a contract with a firm to complete the studies has been signed.

Dr. Pickering did not name the firm but said that studies will take 10 to 14 days to complete and will commence after Jan. 7.

See the Dec. 20, 2012 edition for full coverage.
