Premier Ralph O’Neal addressed the public and officially declared the public restroom opened at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park. (Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK)

Premier Ralph O’Neal knocked on the wood panelling on the front of the newly finished building as he walked past and seemed satisfied with the structure’s sturdiness. Since Thursday, members of the public have been able to stop in at Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park and assess the facility for themselves.

In a ceremony Thursday, Lions club members and government officials praised the project as a shining example of public-private partnership, whereby charitable donations of cash and services from various private citizens and companies were combined with funds from governmental bodies such as the Premier’s Office and BVI Ports Authority to build and maintain the restroom.

The modern facility, called “long overdue” by Lions Club of Tortola President Jeremy Hodge, “will bring great relief” to residents, Mr. Hodge said before helping to hand over a large, ceremonial purple key.


See the Sept 1., 2011 edition for full coverage.