St. George’s Secondary School students Rowan Wheatley and Stefan Archer point out features on their model of a home powered by alternative energy Monday morning during an awards ceremony for a sustainability-themed science fair. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK

Renewable energy was the focus of the projects at The BVI National Commission for UNESCO’s World Science Day for Peace and Development competition.

High school students from around the territory were invited to submit a project under the theme of sustainability, said Dr. Allison Flax-Archer, the commission’s secretary general.

“Science is our best asset for supporting inclusive and equitable development, and for building global sustainability,” Dr. Archer said at the award ceremony for the competition on Monday at the Central Administration Building.

Students built models of wind turbines, solar-powered homes and other facilities for the competition.

Jessykha Gordon, an Elmore Stoutt High School student, won a Kindle for her first-place solar oven and a gift certificate for her second-place hurricane-proof wind turbine.

See the Nov. 15, 2012 edition for full coverage.
