Captain Steve Wooster gets snorkels ready for use by guests aboard Lionheart, one of two boats in the Aristocat Charters business. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK

Quality of service, attention to detail, consistency of product. Once, these were things discussed primarily by business professionals, but in the world of social media and Internet reviews, they’re the stuff of ratings that could come from any customer.

Captain Steve Wooster gets snorkels ready for use by guests aboard Lionheart, one of two boats in the Aristocat Charters business. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK
While reviews by the public might seem intimidating to some business owners, others, like Scaramouche manager Felicity Boyle, say online review sites like TripAdvisor help the business.

“We use it quite a lot,” said Ms. Boyle. “It does bring people in.”

Aristocat Charters owner and captain Steve Wooster agrees. Although not much for social media himself, he’s long believed that advertising, whether online or in the form of his ubiquitous lamppost posters, is key for any business.

Most reviews on TripAdvisor are positive, according to a Telegraph report published in February for the site’s 15th anniversary, with the average rating being higher than four out of a possible five stars.

In addition to the reviews, however, the site also ranks the “popularity” of businesses and attractions with an algorithm that takes into account the quality, quantity and recentness of reviews, according to the site.

It can be quite competitive, but for a business that provides excellent service, the reviews validate a good staff, Sugar Mill General Manager Patrick Conway said this week.

See the July 16, 2015 edition for full coverage.

