Participants of the World Food Day ceremony sample local rabbit and chicken after listening to speeches at the Central Administration Building breezeway on Monday. Photo: NGOVOU GYANG

“Oh, oh, oh, how good is the Lord. He sent down the farmers,” students of Paradise Pre-school sang during the World Food Day ceremony held Monday at the Central Administration Building breezeway.

The students were among scores of people who attended the event, which was themed, “Food Prices: From Crisis to Stability.” Each year, the observance is promoted around the world by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation.

Bevin Braithwaite, the territory’s chief agricultural officer, told the gathering that the price of food has risen dramatically in recent years. “A head of lettuce which was $1.89 at the end of 2010 is $2.42 today,” Mr. Braithwaite said.

See the Oct. 20, 2011 edition for full coverage.