Twenty-four teams representing the territory’s business community participated in the BVI Human Resources Association’s Corporate Bowling Competition at U.P.’s Cineplex on Friday. Photo: NGOVOU GYANG

During their 9-to-5 jobs, workers at the territory’s businesses compete against each other to win customers and earn profits.

The task for employees of 24 companies on Friday night was easier and more fun: bowling at U.P.’s Cineplex.

The Corporate Bowling Competition, which is annually sponsored by the BVI Human Resources Association to promote teambuilding within companies, is in its third year, according to Judy Haycraft, the association’s president.

“One of our goals is to provide a venue and way in which employees and companies can come together in a friendly setting,” Ms. Haycraft said.

Most of the participants dressed in similar uniforms: coloured shirts bearing their company logos. Some of the teams had cheerleaders who waved pom-poms in the air each time their team had a strike or a spare.

Many competitors had serious looks on their faces, while others laughed and chatted as they bowled.

See the May 3, 2012 edition for full coverage.
