When Director of Public Prosecutions Wayne Rajbansie took office in August, one of the first suggestions he made was for the night court system to be discontinued immediately.

The cost of holding the sessions far outweighed any benefits, he told officials during recent Standing Finance Committee deliberations.

The night sessions were established in June 2006 so that people charged with minor crimes and traffic offences could have their matters heard outside of regular working hours.

“Over the last several years, the Magistrates’ Court has experienced a marked increase in the number of cases it must adjudicate,” then-Senior Magistrate Valerie Stephens said when the new court system was announced. “The introduction of evening court allows us to meet this growing demand and lessen the wait which persons with matters before the court must experience.”

The night sessions were suspended last June.



See the Jan. 10, 2013 edition for full coverage.