Dr. Orlando Smith speaks to supporters shortly after official elections results were announced Tuesday morning at Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall. Here, he is flanked by other NDP candidates, nine of whom were successful. Photo: CHRYSTALL KANYUCK

National Democratic Party candidates and supporters continued the celebration today as official results announced by Elections Supervisor Juliette Penn confirmed that the NDP regained control of the government after Monday’s elections.

“These guys are here to work for you,” said NDP leader Dr. Orlando Smith as he introduced the party’s candidates on stage at Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall after Ms. Penn’s announcement. “During the next four years, together as a team, we’ll be looking after your affairs.”

Dr. Smith and Seventh District representative Dr. Kedrick Pickering retained their seats. When the House of Assembly resumes, they will be rejoined by three former representatives: Mark Vanterpool (R-D4), Delores Christopher (R-D5) and Ronnie Skelton (R-at large).

Two other district representatives – Marlon Penn (R-D8) and Alvera Maduro-Caines (R-D6) – won their first bids for office.

In the at-large race, Myron Walwyn and Archibald “Archie” Christian won seats by a comfortable margin, with Mr. Christian, the fourth place winner, coming in about 450 votes ahead of Virgin Islands Party incumbent Irene Penn-O’Neal, the fifth place candidate.

VIP incumbents Ralph O’Neal (R-D9), Andrew Fahie (R-D1), Alvin Christopher (R-D2) and Julian Fraser (R-D3) also won seats, and will form the new opposition.


See the Nov. 10, 2011 edition for full coverage.