Premier Dr. Orlando Smith traveled to the Bahamas this week to address a conference of financial services professionals about forthcoming developments that may affect the sector.


During a speech at the Caribbean Conference on International Financial Services, Dr. Smith, who is also the finance minister, chaired a panel discussing the impact that groups like the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European Union and the United Nations are having on financial services in the Caribbean.

He asserted that financial centres’ future viability “depends very much on their ability to adjust to the new paradigm in financial services related to transparency and information exchange,” according to Government Information Services.

The conference, which was convened by the regional investment promotion group Caribbean Export, was themed “The Caribbean Engaging the World in Financial Services.”

Financial Services Commission Executive Director Robert Mathavious and Broderick Penn, the permanent secretary in the Premier’s Office, also spoke at the conference.

See the April 3, 2014 edition for full coverage.
