Elesia Johnson, a history and geography teacher at Bregado Flax Educational Centre, teaches Grade Seven students at Elmore Stoutt High School during an exchange programme held Tuesday as part of Education Week. Photo: NGOVOU GYANG

“My name is Elesia Johnson. I’m a geography teacher and I’m Jamaican,” a teacher from Bregado Flax Educational Centre told a class of Grade Seven students at Elmore Stoutt High School on Tuesday.

Elesia Johnson, a history and geography teacher at Bregado Flax Educational Centre, teaches Grade Seven students at Elmore Stoutt High School during an exchange programme held Tuesday as part of Education Week. Photo: NGOVOU GYANG
“Hi, Ms. Johnson,” the class chorused, welcoming the teacher who replaced their regular history teacher for the day.

The teachers exchanged classrooms as part of a programme organised for Education Week, which is under way.

The idea behind the exchange was to afford participants the opportunity to see how other schools operate, according to Heida Joyles-Selwood, an education officer who is coordinating events for the week.

“Some of the teachers — like the very good teachers — wanted to go in a different environment to share their knowledge and skill with other schools who may need some development,” Ms. Joyles-Selwood said Tuesday night.

Some Cedar International School students also took advantage of the day by joining their ESHS counterparts in Grade Seven.

See the March 20, 2017 edition for full coverage.
